Yabba's Thoughts

You might be a zombie and other bad news: Mini Review

The Nazis had a tornado gun. Yes the freaking Nazis had a freaking TORNADO Gun! It's known as the Vortex Gun. Designed by researcher Mario Zippermayr, the gun made turbulence to take down planes. The idea was that even the strongest planes can't withstand a large amount of turbulence. So the gun would create this turbulence by generating a tornado in the air. So the big question is, did it work? Well, yes. The gun did create a tornado, but only in perfect conditions. If the weather was off, if it was raining, if there was too many clouds, it wouldn't work. So the Nazi higher ups decided to stop production. In the process ruining the dream of pulp authors everywhere.

For those wondering, that's from You might be a zombie and other bad news. Created by the editors of humor site Cracked.com, You might be a zombie is an amazing collection of trivia. Whether it be about Presidents, Brain Parasites, or Vortex Guns, the book retains a fun and captivating energy. An energy that can reignite wonder in the hearts of even the hardest soul. That's the magic of this tome. Though on the outside it may seem funny but shallow. Yet once you read it, the book can give you a sense of amazement about the world. As adults we aren't regularly amazed, yet this book can bring that back. In that aspect, the book invokes the reason why I love trivia. It's hilarious writing only helps in this regard, shocking you And making you laugh. In the end, this is one of the best trivia books I've ever read.

The book covered in this review can be bought at this link.