Yabba's Thoughts

The Restrict act: What can we do about it?

Many of you have probably heard of the restrict act. The act give the government a ridiculously broad power on the net, censoring anything that could have "foreign influence". Many are worried about this, they say that it could spell the end of many internet freedoms, and I'd have to agree. This is because the act is just too ripe for abuse, full of broad wording, and lacking a process to appeal or review censored sites. So what can we do about it?

Well the most important part is to spread the word, about the act and it's possibilities for abuse. After that would be organizing a group that would campaign against the act. Finally, I encourage everyone to research ways to protect their freedoms even in the event this act is passed. I for one will do everything I (legally) can to stop this act from being passed. Will you?

If you'd like to learn more about the Restrict act you can find the act itself at this link.