Yabba's Thoughts

CCRU Writings: Mini review

The following has been reposted from my thread on Agora Road. Stop by to discuss it here.

The CCRU or Cybernetic Culture Research Unit is a group dedicated to studying Lemurian time magic, the AOE, and more. This book, especially the intro will look like absolutely gibberish unless if you read some of their site http://www.ccru.net/index.htmEven after finishing it a lot of the writings still may seem like nonsense.

If you're going into this expecting a completely serious book on accelerationism you aren't going to enjoy it. This book takes more of a style over substance approach, but the substance that is there is very interesting. A great example of this is hyperstition or an element of culture that makes itself real, which along with accelerationism tends to be what people remember from this book.

Of course there's more than just hyperstition or accelerationism buried in this book. The book has many different writing styles included inside, including short stories that leave many things to interpretation while being entertaining in their own right. My favorite was one that was like a cross between resident evil and cyberpunk, written in the second person it tied back to the CCRU's own mythology.

Overall I would recommend this book to anyone interested in finding a philosophical work that explains itself through a very esoteric science fiction. You can buy it here.

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